Monday, December 15, 2008

Summer Classic Cars

So I realize I've been completely slacking in my photography and posting lately (or still, depending on how you look at it), so when I opened up the new version of Lightroom and noticed I had a batch of shots from the Father's Day Classic Car Show in my quick collection, I figured I'd finish a bit of processing and post them, and get back in a roll.

Dodge Viper Classic T-Bird Classic Car Classic Fin
Hood Ornament

This was done on a bright summer day, so the colors are fairly accurate I believe. The only two images that got much attention are the purple fin (which got a hit of +100 clarity) and the red hood (which got a -60 clarity via a local adjustment on the the red hood to smooth out a few little scratches and polishing marks, like a beauty filter for cars).

As a side note, the new Camera RAW DNG profiles support the K20D very nicely (see how I worked in some actual K20D news?). I haven't had a chance to do any extensive testing, or comparisons to see how colors and skin tones react, so I guess that's what I can write about next.